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Social return on investment report kickstarts campaign to build new village for older victorians in need
In 2017, the Old Colonists’ Association of Victoria commissioned Think Impact to measure the economic and social impacts of the operation of its villages and to support the vision and strategic direction of OCAV. The Social Return on Investment analysis found that for every $1 invested in OCAV, $7.41 of value is created for residents, the community, and the Federal and State Governments.
June 7, 2018
In 2017, the Old Colonists’ Association of Victoria commissioned Think Impact to measure the economic and social impacts of the operation of its villages and to support the vision and strategic direction of OCAV.
The Social Return on Investment analysis found that for every $1 invested in OCAV, $7.41 of value is created for residents, the community, and the Federal and State Governments.
Read the full report of Living Communities Age Well.
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