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Maurie Callow has his say
Maurie Callow was among several residents responding to questions about becoming older as part of OCAV’s contribution to the UN International Day of the Older Person on Thursday 1 October. This year is the 30th anniversary of the day, and the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.
September 29, 2020
Maurie Callow was among several residents responding to questions about becoming older as part of OCAV’s contribution to the UN International Day of the Older Person on Thursday 1 October. This year is the 30th anniversary of the day, and the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.
What is the greatest thing about being your age?
Getting through life without many problems. The close friendships I’ve made and the friendliness of staff at Liscombe House. I would like to repay people for what they have done for me.
Do you ever look back and say the ‘good old days?
No, I always look forward. I have thoroughly enjoyed my earlier years and now looking forward to the next stage of life
What is your hope for the future?
To continue my life at Liscombe House and enjoy the contact I have with my family via skype. To see Collingwood win another Grand Final.
Do you think that wisdom automatically comes with old age?
No, I think most people have a bit of wisdom growing up and it increases with age.
What makes you mad about the world today, and can we change it?
There is little respect for people. More respect needs to be shown to each other. People take too much and don’t give back.
What is the one thing you would tell the Prime Minister to do for older people?
We should thank people more for what they have achieved/contributed through life. More support should be given to older people.
Some people say that old people are a burden to society. What would you say to them?
I know what I’ve contributed to society, what have you done? I’ve come from a generation where I did things without being asked and did not expect anything in return. Doesn’t happen as much today.
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